The Fine Print on 401(k) Fees Just Got a Little Bigger
My last blog post 7 Threats To Your Retirement When
All You Have Is a 401(k) Plan generated a lot of interest! It was my most
visited blog post to date and for that I thank all of you who follow my blog. I sincerely hope you find it useful.
Still on the topic of 401(k) plans, you may or may not know
that as of July 1, 2012 The Department
of Labor, in an effort to improve transparency of 401(k) fees, has released a
final rule which will:
“help America's workers manage and invest
the money they contribute to their 401(k)-type pension plans. The rule will
ensure: that workers in this type of plan are given, or have access to, the
information they need to make informed decisions, including information about
fees and expenses; the delivery of investment-related information in a format
that enables workers to meaningfully compare the investment options under their
pension plans; that plan fiduciaries use standard methodologies when
calculating and disclosing expense and return information so as to achieve
uniformity across the spectrum of investments that exist among and within
plans, thus facilitating "apples-to-apples" comparisons among their
plan's investment options; and a new level of fee and expense transparency.”
(For more information, please refer to the Department of
Labor website)
So when exactly and how will these fees be put under the
First, there is the disclosure requirement from plan service
providers (Principal, Fidelity, etc) to the fiduciary (your employer). They are
required to disclose the fees they charge for investment management,
administration, record keeping etc. The deadline for this disclosure is July 1st,
Then, the employer in turn, must inform (at least quarterly)
its employees the fees they are paying for the above services. This is likely
to be seen on statements as dollars charged per $1,000 invested. The deadline
for this disclosure is August 30th or 60 days after the July 1st
effective date.
What will that mean for all of us?
Will the increased visibility allow employees to really know
how much of the fees charged are being passed down to them and potentially
question some of them? Possibly.
However, what Mike Alfred, chief executive of 401(k) rating
firm BrightScope considers the main advantage, as quoted by the Wall Street
Journal is “We are already seeing fees coming down in preparation for fee
disclosure. That will continue because the increased data will make the market
more competitive”.
And more competition usually results in savings passed down
to consumers.
So next time, you get your quarterly 401(k) statement, pay
extra attention to the fine print, which just got a bit larger…
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